Things I Feel for You

When they say, ‘I love you,’ you won’t quite know how to explain how it makes you feel. But when they say it, it won’t be rushed at the end of a phone call. It won’t be routine. It won’t be a habit. They will say it to you many times, but no matter how many times they say it, it will never lose its meaning. Every time those words come from their lips, you will feel something you cannot explain. You will feel everything they feel for you, trying to be contained into 3 little words, and it will overwhelm you because it will remind you how vast your love is for each other, and how as much as you wish 3 words could convey how you feel for each other, it never will. Those finite words will remind you that what you two have together is something that cannot be contained, something so immense and infinite, that those words are only a tiny spark to the explosive fire you each ignite in the other.
And I hope you don’t settle for anything less.
Photographer: Sabrina Diaz
Model: Barbara