
Along came a spider

Along came a spider

A pristine spider sits on her web, she awaits company. She moves with purpose and poise as she arranges her surroundings for things to come. She feels a tinge of movement, her instincts tell her what is about to happen, the future brushes against her skin. She is prepared. She must beguile her prey to come closer, to engage. She needs it to be closer, close enough to feel, close enough to touch. She moves with purpose, hesitation is missed opportunity and missed opportunity means she will go hungry; unfulfilled. 

Her hunger is insatiable, it consumes her thoughts and rends her mind. Ever moment is overshadowed by this one thought, 'we must eat'.  

When her prey is ensnared she no longer needs to rush, the work is done. Her approach is slow and deliberate, her confidence projects ahead of her like a shadow, her excitement is showing for tonight she will not go hungry. She wraps her prey in her warmth for it will sleep now, never to awaken and it will do so happily.


Photographer: Julien LRVR
Model: Stephanie Horn