Ride Me, Baby

Feeling a bit dirty...? Well then have a shower and throw your clothes in the goddamn laundry, because this set is about to get a little more messy and no one needs you more filthy than what you already are. Balance man. Keep it. Or else you won't be able to to maintain your composure. And you're going to need composure when you walk up to Carla and ask her about those ferociously fun sun glasses she has resting on the bridge of her nose. A little of bit of parking lot fun gets cheeky as Sergio snaps bold shots through car windows. Carla isn't shy to make big statements with T-shirts that are telling you just the way she's feeling. This isn't a joke, and you should be feeling a bit hot and flustered by now. If you feel like you're reading this with a slow puncture to the brain, that's because the blood is being redistributed to other areas of your appendage. Revel in this roaring cacophony of mischief and cheek.
Photographer: Sergio Hache
Model: Carla Guetta
Clothing: Badass Prints