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You know what I’ve realized? The fact that we can’t unfeel something. We just get used it. Like suppose we’re sitting on a cold surface, it’s cool at first but then it starts getting warmer. It’s not that the surface suddenly got hotter, it’s just that we got used to the coldness. Or when someone gets stabbed with a knife. It hurts at first but then the pain disappears. It’s not that the knife is gone, it’s just that our body gets used to the knife piercing our skin. And now that I think about it, you know when you’ve been sad for so long that suddenly you don’t feel anything anymore? Not happy, not angry, just nothing. It’s not that the sadness is gone. It’s just that we’ve got used it. Or when someone keeps treating you like complete shit and after a while, you just don’t acknowledge it anymore cause you’re used to it. And that’s just really fucking sad. The fact that we get used to something so much that we completely forget it’s there.

Photo - Rubén Suárez
Model - Tara Lilly, Agency 5th avenue 
Make up & Stylist - Rocio Valiño 
Studio - Loft 48 Barcelona