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You are my perfect zero

Where do we go once we die. When our breath begins to hollow and our pulse purifies itself from these tainted worldly elements. When we are extinguished from our own disparate thoughts and we are broken away from this realm we call reality. 

I imagine nothingness. Not darkness, not light, nor anything that the human mind can ascertain. The absolute zero. Hear nothing, see nothing, feel nothing, be nothing. 

But to be nothing, is to be part of everything. For zero is a whole. Surely this would make us one with all. Dematerialize from the singular & integrate into the whole. 

Once we are all dead - we will become one. The ultimate unification. 

But for now - these remarks can only be regarded as assumptions, and these claims can only be considered as fantasy, for the only scientific test is observation through occurrence. And right now death isn't an option. 

So instead let us live - but live as the dead. And then one day the dead will merge with the living and we will truly understand what infinity means. 

Photographer: Jonathan Fiedler
Model: Ceci Minazzoli